Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Johnny Cake Face Update

Some people might consider a Johnny Cake face to be a Man in the Moon face, but the antique plaque my mother owned was definitely a version of the folk tale of the Johnny Cake.  So that is what I am calling my face plaques.   As far as I can tell, the Johnny Cake faces had more color on them than Man in the Moon faces.  I suppose people interpret it as they choose when they see it.

I don't have any new pictures today, although progress has been made.  I could take a picture, but all you would see would be a lumpy white disk.  All of the faces now have the first layer of paper mache' on them, and some have the second layer on one side.  It takes a while for the paper mache' to dry, especially in the humid weather we have been having here. 

I plan to finish up adding layers of paper mache' tomorrow.  Then it will be on to sanding and painting.  Hopefully, the faces will be mounted onto the carousel housing within a week to a week and a half.  It depends on drying time and how much time I have available to work on the project.  I am really looking forward getting them finished. 

While waiting for the paper mache' to dry, I plan to be experimenting with some embellishment for the roof of the carousel.  I have an idea of using some prismatic paper to imitate the lights that are generally on the carousel.  My big question right now is how to permanently adhere it to the surface and whether covering it with varnish will affect its reflective properties.  I will know whether the paper will do what I want by the end of the day.  If it doesn't, I have a second idea that I may try.  If neither is satisfactory, I'll leave the roof as it is.  More on this in the next blog post.

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