Sunday, February 14, 2016

Some Recent Sketches 2/16

I have been working on the Victorian Belsnickel project and last blog post I showed that I had completed baking the doll's head.  I was just getting ready to start sculpting the doll's hands but I needed to take a bit of a break.  My hands, especially my right hand was becoming irritated from so much use.  I decided to give my hands a few days to recover.  It is better to take a few days to rest than to press on with the work and have my hand become seriously swollen and inflamed and have to take a longer break.  I expect to get back to sculpting tomorrow.  

In the mean time, I thought I would post the three sketches I have completed recently.  One of my goals for this year was to draw and/or paint a picture on a small art tile at least once a week in order to improve my drawing and painting skills.  I showed the first set of art tiles a few weeks ago in the blog.  I painted those.  This time I only drew with a pencil rather than painting what I had drawn.  I was so busy with the Victorian Belsnickel project that I did not want to spend as much time on them.  Also, I want to improve my drawing skills as well as painting skills so I decided that this group would just be done only in pencil. 

It is a little intimidating to put my drawings on the blog.  None of these pictures are masterpieces.  However, I find that making a commitment to show my work keeps me on track in trying to improve it.  It is all too easy to decide to skip drawing and painting in pursuit of other projects, especially if I get discouraged with the drawings.  So here is the latest batch of sketches.  I hope they will encourage you to work on something artistic today. 

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