Friday, March 11, 2016

On to the Sheep and Other Projects

I apologize to readers for missing the Thursday post.  Things just came up.  Sometimes that happens to everyone.  I guess it was a one of those days.  Anyway, I am ready to get on with a new project.  For some time, I have wanted to make a sheep.  I am going to make a small sheep first.  It may end up in some sort of Father Christmas tableau at some point.  If I like it, I may end up making a larger one in the future.  My folk art pig could use some company.  It is just a whimsy.  I have not done a large project for a while.  The problem with large projects is that you have to have somewhere to keep them when they are finished.  (Or some place to sell them.)  Last year my foray into trying to sell my life size papier mache' pig did not pan out.  Maybe one day I will find the right place to sell it.  But for now I will try for a small sheep.

This is going to be one of those times where I have more than one project going on at once.  I want to try some carving.  I would like to carve a walking stick.  Before I take on a whole stick though I am going to try to develop some carving skills by doing some flat carving.  I would like to have some experience with the tools before I take on a whole long walking stick.  Now that Spring is approaching I will be able to get out more.  I think I might enjoy working outside on a carving project.

I have another sphere project started, but at this point I don't have any pictures of it.  At this point, I am not sure that the project is going to work as I hope it will.  It is another one of my experiments.  I will be blogging about the success or failure of the first part of this experiment on my next blog post.  If my experiment works, it will pave the way for some future projects.  If it fails, I will have to bow to the Universe and say that the already established way of doing things is going to be as good as it gets. 

There are a sewing project in the works also.  I recently joined a coloring book club.  They are all the rage right now.  It is a fun, relaxing way to spend a few hours socializing.  I like to color with colored pencils.  The trouble is that it is difficult to find the color pencil in a box, and they are a nuisance to lay out on the table and then have to be put back into the box.  I saw some fabric pencil holders online.  I could order one, but what would be the fun of that.  I have plenty of material and notions in my fabric stash.  I plan to make some.  I have three sets of pencils, so that will keep me busy for a little bit.  If I did not have the fabric just sitting here I could not make one for as cheaply as I could order one.   But since I have the fabric just sitting here, I might as well.  

Check back on Sunday for some first photos on a couple of projects. 

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