Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Ribbons at the State Fair

In my previous post I blogged that I had submitted three items to contests at the Virginia State Fair.  I entered competitions in Wearable Art - Mixed Techniques Single Garment, Handmade Stuffed Animal, and Handmade Doll - Dressed.  I am pleased to announce that I won ribbons in all three competitions.  I took the second place in Wearable Art, second place in Handmade Stuffed Animal, and Third place in the Handmade Doll competition.  So my three major pieces for this year won ribbons.  I am very excited.

I have been notable absent from blogging the last couple of weeks.  I had a case of bronchitis and just was not able to get everything done that needed to be done.  When that happens crafting tends to fall by the wayside until things get caught up. I will be back to blogging in another week or so.  There is so much going on right now.

At the moment, there is a major hurricane potentially headed our way.  Before I can get back to crafting, I have to make sure that we have everything we need in case the storm hits here.  I guess this is going to disrupt our plans for the holiday weekend coming up.  Right now we are in wait and see mode.  It is still far enough away that they cannot make an accurate prediction as to exactly where it will hit.  Right now the weather reports show that the whole state is in the potential path of the storm.  Will it hit?  Will it go out to sea?  Only time will tell.  If the storm should turn and go out to sea, I have a plans for the holiday weekend.  Everything is on hold until I know what is going to happen with the weather.

The last time a hurricane hit, the debris was a major problem.  We lost several trees.  The county was picking up debris for free, but we had to pile it out next to the street.  We had a pile of debris six feet high, six feet deep, and about thirty feet wide.   We were without electricity for days as well.   I hope we don't go through that again. 

Anyway it might be several days before I am back to blogging about crafts.  I will be posting regularly very soon.  I am at the start of a new project, but with everything going on, it will take a bit of time to have something to show on the blog.

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