Thursday, December 22, 2016

Doll Experiment - Part 10

It is so close to the holidays that I am not getting much crafting done.  I did manage to complete sanding the doll.  Or, as much sanding as I plan on doing.  It could really use some more, but in order to get on with the project I am saying "good enough".  I spent more time sanding on areas that will show and less time on what will be covered by the doll's costume. 

I also managed to get the first coat of Gesso on the doll.  It will take at least one more coat of Gesso and maybe more to make it opaque enough that the newsprint will not show through.  The doll looks very strange with the white paint on it.  In a way it looks as if it is in some sort of larval stage.  It looks so creepy that I almost hesitate to put up a picture of it.  I am sure that I have seen this creature either in some horror movie or perhaps it was in my dreams.  I don't know.  It just sort of weirds me out.  I will actually be glad when I get on with the painting.  I doubt that this doll will be complete by the end of the year.  The painting may be completed, but the costuming most likely will not.  I do expect that I will complete it in January though.

Sunday is a holiday, so I will not be blogging then.  I will be blogging on the following Thursday.  Check back then for the next blog post.

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