Sunday, March 19, 2017

Pin Cushions Completed

The pin cushions are now complete, or at least as complete as I am going to make them.  When I began this project, I had visions of some adding some beading and some flowers and leaves to embellish them.  However, this project has taken so much longer than I thought it would that  I decided to leave them at the finish point of the original instructions.  I found the instructions in an old Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Crafts publication.  I kept it in mind for "one of these days I'll get around to it."  And now I have.

The photo shows the project almost at completion.  I needed to add one more thread to the medium sized pin cushion, and both the medium and large pin cushion need to have a yo-yo sewn to the top.  Every one of those pin cushions had a yo-yo (the little round piece on top of the pin cushions) on top to cover the area that was cut open so that the pin cushions could be stuffed.  The yo-yos would not have taken so long to make if I had a yo-yo maker.  I went to my local craft store to purchase one, but they had mysteriously decided not to carry them any more.  I swear I had seen them at the store just a month earlier.  I considered ordering one online, but the price asked was high and there were shipping charges as well.  I ended up making all the yo-yos by hand.  Chalk up more time added to this project.  But it is over with now, so I guess I saved myself a little money.  I don't think I will be making too many projects with yo-yos, so I really did have a further use for the yo-yo maker.

As I have been writing throughout the blog posts on this project, every step of this project was deceptively time consuming.  You would not think from looking at them that it would take very long to get them done.  Since I was making a lot of them, it took quite a while.  If you should plan on making them as gifts, my recommendation would be to start early on the project.

I have been working on a couple of other projects.  I will be blogging about them in the next couple of blog posts.  Check back on Thursday.

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