Sunday, June 18, 2017

Paper Spiral Project Completed

Where I ended the project.
Not long ago I had blogged about a project I was doing that ended up taking much longer than I thought.  I am officially declaring the project finished, although I could have gone on much longer.  I had seen a spiral paper project on Pintrest and decided to try one for myself.  If you want information on how I made this project, scroll back a few blog post for one titled "An Object Lesson in Crafting."  It really is too much work to repeat all that here.  Besides detailing the way I made the item, it also talks about how I should have estimated the time it would take to make the craft and since I did not, how surprised I was at the amount of time involved.

Center of the bowl.
Before I completed the project I added another layer of time involvement.  My original intention was to make the colored spirals create a spiral effect around the vase (or as it turned out to be - a bowl).  At some point I realized that I had started with too large a stripe of color.  If I wanted something that would spiral around in a recognizable way, that the item would have to be as tall as an umbrella stand.  I abandoned that idea and started over with attempting to make spiral with the stripe being only the width of a single paper spiral. 

Original pattern.
So, I cut apart what I had already glued together with a craft knife.  It did not take very long.  Then I glued the spirals around the base in a new pattern.  The new pattern looked better, but all in all, it was just a paper project with no real purpose.  I worked the pattern until I ran out of one of the colors of spirals.  I was not so enthused about the project that I felt like making more of the paper spirals so I decided that this was the final stopping point.

The project is colorful, but I really can't think it is anything more than a passing fancy.  It is too colorful for most adult spaces.  The bowl is really not suitable as a catch-all for a younger child's room. The paper spirals can be pulled apart much too easily.  The individual spirals could present a chocking hazard. 

All in all, this project was just about making something colorful.  I would have to say that rolling the paper into spirals was a great "fidget" project while watching television.  Now that it is finished, I am ready to go on to a more serious crafting project.  Just before starting the spiral paper project I had been developing an idea for a large doll.  I was somewhat ambivalent about that project because I had just recently completed a doll.  Now that I have had a break, I am more than ready to get on with a doll project.  

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