Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to My Craft Project...

Regular readers know that I have been working on a large doll.  The project has been going at a snail's pace.  I have been having one of those months where everything in the world is getting in the way of getting into my studio.  I have to celebrate every little bit of progress, no matter how small just to keep from giving it up.  So today, my reason to celebrate is that the PVC base I created last week is now screwed down to the wooden base.  One more step done! Hurray????

Actually, that is not all that I did on the project this week.  I went to the hardware store to purchase some more PVC pipe for the armature.  I have been buying the supplies I need as I go along.  The plan for the doll has been evolving, and I did not want to purchase anything ahead of time because the plan was uncertain.  Sometimes I plan a project completely, but other times I let a project grow and change as things move along.  This is one of those times that the plan has been fluid.  As the idea evolves, I know more about what supplies I need to complete the project. 

So, I purchased more pipe, and took one length of it to my husband's workshop.  Although I have many tools in my studio, the hack saw is in his workshop.  I had just used the saw last week while making the base for this project.  I went to the spot where the hack saw resides and it was not there.  I shifted my gaze to the right and saw a stack of boxes.  I realized that the saw was probably buried in one of them.  I remember my husband saying to me earlier in the week that he was going to be packing his tools.  We are getting ready to start our spring campaign of improvements to the cabin.  Looking at the pile of boxes, I contemplated whether it would be easier just to go buy another hack saw. 

At the time, I had just run down to the workshop to make a couple of cuts while I had a few minutes.  Searching the boxes would have used up all my time.  Once the saw was out, I would not have time to get anything done.  At that point, I gave up on this project for the day.  Once I find the hack saw, I will be back to working on this project.

I started working on my quilting project for my guild's challenge quilt.  The quilt blocks are together, but I am not crazy about the way the quilt looks when I laid out the design.  I may have to rethink the pattern.  It is acceptable, but not great if you know what I mean.  I may have added to may colors.  I will have to go back through my material and see if I can come up with some sort of compromise.  I would prefer not to have to purchase more fabric for the project.

All in all, it has not been a great crafting week.  Everyone has one from time to time.  Time to pick myself up, dust myself off, and get to work.

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