Friday, September 24, 2021

I Finished 3 Pumpkins for Halloween 2021

This year I set a goal of creating three paper mâché pumpkins for Halloween.  I started in January, but was only able to find time to work on them now and then.  I was trying a new type of flour paste mix that had thin-set mortar admix in it rather than water.  I had to have the windows open for ventilation,

which was not exactly comfortable in January, but I kept working on the pumpkins.  Since they take so long to make, I tried making them as production work, finishing all the pumpkins to the same level before moving on to the next step.  I have to say it was not as satisfying as completing them one at a time.

I finished the forms, but was so tired of working on the things that I needed to take a break.  Finally I painted them.  The smaller two I painted with latex exterior paint and sealed them with an exterior sealer.   This is my first time using exterior paint.  I was not certain that the colors were going to come out well. 


The interiors of the pumpkins were painted first.   After two layers of Gesso as a primer, I painted the interior and exterior flat black.  The opening on the small pumpkins made painting the inside a challenge.  It was hard to get my hand insides.  I came up with a solution.  I taped over the openings for the faces with blue painter's tape, making sure that there was a lot of overlap on the tape.  I sat the pumpkin in a disposable aluminum pan to catch any drippings.  I poured some paint inside and rolled the pumpkin around to coat the inside.  Afterwards, I poured out any excess paint.  After that, I removed the painter's tape.  There was some residual dripping that I had to wipe off with a sponge brush around the openings, but it did not take very long for that to stop.  This technique actually saved a lot of time.

Next, the exteriors of the two pumpkins received a coat of Flat Black.  When the outside was dry I used a dry brush technique to add layers of Vivid Orange.  All in all it had three layers of Vivid Orange.  The first layer made it look as if the pumpkin was made of rusty metal.  I added two more coats of Vivid Orange to get it to a point I found acceptable.  Before adding the exterior sealer, they only looked okay.  The colors really picked up after the sealer.  The two smaller pumpkins should be able to stand up to some time outdoors without fading. 

The larger pumpkin, the one sticking out its tongue, is painted with acrylic paints.  I had put so much work into it that I just did not want to mess it up when I was uncertain how the paints were going to come out.  It is also sealed with an exterior sealer.  It may not be very resistant to sun fading, so it will only be outside for brief periods of time, and preferably in a covered location.  

 The teeth for the large pumpkin were made from paper clay which I made myself.  The tongue was given created from cardboard and wire before being covered in paper mâché.  To give the tongue some texture, I used Golden Glass Bead Medium before priming with Gesso and painting.

Each pumpkin has been an experiment in one way or another.  I have learned something new from each one.  Each experiment has helped me save time.  One of the things that has taken the most time is making the top fit back on once the pumpkin has been cut open.  The little pumpkin with the round mouth has a top that was fitted as closely as possible.  The pumpkin with the hat has a different type of top.  I added tapered layers of cardboard underneath the hat so that the hat fits in the pumpkin much like a wine stopper fits in a bottle.  That was much easier.  However, if I were to make another one, I would probably add a few more layers on the tapering section.  The large pumpkin also has a fitted top, but it did not want to fit nearly as well.  

I have seen other types of pumpkins people have made where they just cut out the bottom and then set the pumpkin down over the light source.  I may try that on my next pumpkin.  It would save hours.  Or I may cut a little flap out of the pumpkin and add a hinge so that the section can be opened and closed to insert a light.  I guess I will cross that bridge when I get the next pumpkin finished.  

Creating these pumpkins has been a labor of love.  My plan is to have a large number of the pumpkins in my yard for Halloween that will build up over time.  Some pumpkins will be original creations.  I may use some Pumpkin Masters templates on others.  The goal is to have a yard full of pumpkins, not necessarily for each one to be an original work. 

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