Monday, June 4, 2012

Wild Roses Walking Stick-Design Photo

I just have time for a quick post today.  I've started on my folk art walking stick with a wild rose pattern that I drew myself.  The pattern was inspired by the wild rose bushes on my property.  They bloom in profusion in the spring.  The rose bushes grow quickly with branches going every which way. 

The design will spiral up a walking stick.  I have started to wood burn the pattern onto the stick.  At the moment it is only spiral.  I may add another, depending on how the design looks once I have the initial spiral completed.


marjree said...

Hi Carol,
I finally made it through the many steps to get on your website as a follower so now can begin leaving comments. I just saw the design for the new walking stick and it's really attractive, plus all your own. Thanks for the precise directions on how to make these unique examples of folk art.
Best from marjree

Carol L. Jones said...

I'm really glad to finally receive a comment. Now that the first comment has appeared, I'm hoping that others will be encouraged to leave comments.

I'm glad you like my work.