Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Folk Art Pig Completed-Part 18-Photos

At last the folk art pig is complete.  His finished size is 38 inches long.  He is 21 inches high at the tip of his ears.  The torso is about 17 inches. 

The folk art pig was painted with a coat of acrylic gesso then flesh colored craft paints.  The nose, inner ears, and hooves were painted with a mixture of flesh color paint and burnt umber.  I finished the pig with clear polyurethane.  I had some interior water-based polyurethane at the house, so I used that rather than an exterior oil based polyurethane.  If I had been keeping the pig as an outside ornament, I would have used multiple coats of the oil based polyurethane.  I've seen paper maché figures kept outside that have been covered in many coats of oil based polyurethane, but I have never made an outdoor sculpture myself.  Maybe I'll try an outdoor sculpture one of these days.  My main problem is not creating the sculpture.  The problem is that my husband mows the lawn and complains about my art work if it gets in his way.  (See some of my earliest blog posts to view some of my outdoor stepping

I've put a lot of time into the folk art pig and have grown quite fond of him.  I will miss him.  The burn is scheduled for this weekend.  It is tempting to want to keep him, but I don't really have a place for him.  He doesn't fit with my living room decor. 

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