Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Folk Art Pig-Part 14-Photos

The torso of the pig now has a layer of basket weave to flesh out the folk art pig.  Now the chest and rump need the same treatment to make it look a little more muscular and fleshy.  The chest (Photo 1) needed more attention because of the hard edge of the front of the basket.  I tried to just overlap the strips rather than do a full basket weave in this area.  I wanted a rounded look and the area was so tight that adding the cross strips made it stand out in hard edges.  This area was then covered with a layer of masking tape to stiffen it and to provide moisture protection from the water in the flour paste. 

The rump of the pig also needed a little shaping.  I added a layer of cross strips with a dip in the center to give the rump a rounded look.  (Photo 2)  The curve of the rump naturally lent itself to layering across it.  It had enough of a curve that I did not feel the need to do a full basket weave here either.  This area was also completely covered in tape.

After the chest and rump were covered with poster board and tape, the folk art pig was then covered in layers of paper maché.  This time the folk art pig was covered in six layers of paper maché.  (Photo 3).  The folk art pig is becoming fairly heavy.  I'm guessing it weighs somewhere between fifteen and twenty pounds.

Next blog:  Details of the tail and hooves.

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