Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Faux Tesla Coil Halloween Project Part 5 (The Comedy Episode)

Sometime things don't go as you would like on a project.  When that happens you can get frustrated and angry or you can laugh.  This is one of those times that I choose to laugh.  If I had been watching someone doing this on a comedy show, I would have been laughing so hard I could not breathe.

I drilled the holes in the spheres to have places to insert my electrical bolts.  For the most part, that went well.  The glass globes are covered with a thick layer of paper clay, and covered with layers of strip paper maché so there would be a firm foundation for the electrical bolts.  The bolts fit well into the holes I had drilled. It was after that that the trouble started.

Tape holding some of the bolts in place.
The glue I was using to set the bolts has a slower drying time than I would have liked.  However, I was using that glue in order to give myself some adjustment time to position and reposition the bolts as necessary.  So I would slip one bolt in and it would stay.  I'd put the next bolt in and the first one would fall out.  I finally determined that I would have to use some tape to hold on the bolts while the glue set up.  I started using  low tack blue painters tape because I did not want the tape to pull paint off when I removed it.  So I'd get two or three bolts put in, and when I was adding another the paint released its grip and the bolts would fall out.  I'm wearing gloves to protect my hands from the glue.  (Trust me, gluing your hands together is no fun.) Then I had to tear more tape to add to the tape already on there.  Although the tape was not willing to stick to the paper maché it was more than willing to stick to the gloves.  I was having difficulty getting the tape off the gloves.  I did not want to remove the gloves because they had glue on them, which was by now quite tacky.  I added more tape to what was already on the sphere.  More bolts fell off.  I determined I needed to use a stronger tape so I went for some heavier duty masking tape.  This means I will probably have to do some touch up painting.  

In the mean time, my hair clip slid, and now my hair was hanging in my face while I am trying to glue these things.  I really had to resist the temptation to push my hair out of the way because I did not want to get the glue and tape stuck in my hair.  It is a really high humidity day and even this tape was giving me some grief, but with enough of it I finally got the bolts to stick in place.  However, not all the bolts are glued in yet because the tape is covering up the holes.  I'm giving the glue 24 hours to dry before I tackle the rest of the bolts.

This whole episode was a comic as an I Love Lucy show.  Like I said, if I had been watching someone else with this I would have been howling with laughter.  I did get something done on the project and that is what really counts.  Tomorrow I will be better prepared to deal with the situation.

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