Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Carousel Part 32- More on Creating the Carousel Top

Spokes glued to poster board.
The roof of the carousel is well under way.  I decided that the roof would be open so viewers could peer down into the carousel to see detail that would otherwise be hidden from view.  At one point I had considered having a roof that stepped upwards, but ultimately decided against it because the cuts on such small pieces were very difficult.  The roof will be a set of concentric rings resting on a round roof with eight spokes.

Small pieces of wood on the outer rim.
Prepped for paper mache'.
I first drew a diagram of my roof on a piece of poster board.  The diagram was then glued to two other sheets of poster board in order to give some support for the piece.  The spokes, made of the quarter inch poplar sticks' were cut to shape and size then glued to the poster board.  I cut small half inch pieces of the poplar sticks and glued two rows of them to the inner and outer edges of the rim.  I could have cut the curved pieces of the rim from a sheet of quarter inch thick balsa wood, but I did not have any pieces large enough.  I decided to use scraps rather than purchase more wood.  There was a small gap between the two rows.  I glued a piece of poster board over the top to create a smooth surface.  Once everything was in place, the entire piece was covered in masking tape in preparation for paper mache' layers.  The first layer will go on today.  I am expecting to put on two or three layers.

There will be three concentric rings that lie on top of the main piece of the roof.  I cut three of each ring size from poster board and glued the rings together to form a stronger, thicker surface.  Once the glue was dry, each ring was covered in masking tape.  I have put the first layer of paper mache' on each of the rings.  It can be frustratingly slow to wait for paper mache' to dry.  It has been very humid, which makes it take all the longer. 

Concentric circles will sit on top of spokes.
I expect that most of the paper mache' layers will be on the roof this week.  Then all of the roof will need to be sanded and painted.  Sometime this weekend I expect to drill the holes for the screws that will attach the base to the rotating platform and to place the menagerie animals on the base.   While I'm waiting for the paper mache' and paint to dry I will be working on the face plaques that will be set above the mirrors.  It won't be much longer before this project is complete.


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