Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Shaman Staff- Part 8-Adding Decorative Detail to the Walking Stick

I've been adding some of the decorative items based on my research on pictographs and petraglyphs.  The line drawings work well with wood burning.  I have made a good head start on the first section.  It is not complete yet.  I still have some smaller glyphs to add to this section.  Also, I am considering making the large sun a picture of a total solar eclipse.  A total solar eclipse, it is truly an awesome experience.  It seems it would be an event that would be worthy of capturing in the context of the solar events portion of the walking stick.

My plan is to get the major drawings
in place on the whole stick and then come back and fill in as necessary.  As the stick progresses, the drawings will become more complex.  Some of the items will be geometric patterns which will have many more lines than the basic glyphs.  I will need to balance the drawings on the stick to make sure that one portion blends into the next without looking like the drawings are much more dense in one area than another.  Anyway, that is the plan.  Seems good in print.  I'll see how it turns out.

The weather has been wonderful and it has been a real pleasure to work on my outside work bench.  I am usually out fairly early in the morning.  We have a lot of birds here.  I find it interesting that the birds that are singing and calling change from day to day.  Some days I hear more hawks.  Other days the jays are are fussing.  Sometimes the crows are the dominant voice.  And there is a general background of cardinals, wrens, finches, warblers and more birds than I can name.  The bird song is punctuated by the sound of falling nuts now and then; and also the calling and scampering of squirrels.  I find it very relaxing.

I expect to get at least the next section of drawings on the walking stick by the next blog post.  Check back for more photos.


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