Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Shaman Staff Walking Stick-Part 18

We have had a couple of rainy days here and I have not been able to get outside to do any wood burning  on the walking stick.  In keeping with the plan for the walking stick (see earlier posts for more details.) this section is about the showing what plants were safe to eat and which plants had healing properties.  The designs are interspersed among the human figures.  I have the images transferred to the stick and ready to go as soon as I can get out to burn the designs onto the stick. 

I did not have as much room as I thought I would in this section, so the clover and ferns did not make it onto the stick.  The plants that did make the cut were the corn plant, which has a picture of the plant and a picture of the corn on the cob; the dandelion, which has edible greens; a plantain, which is a medicinal plant according to one of my herbal books; and an aloe, which is another medicinal plant.  I suppose the aloe could also be interpreted as an agave plant, which could represent the development of sugar and alcohol.  I'll let the viewer decide which plant it should be. 

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