Sunday, November 24, 2013

Shaman Staff Walking Stick-Part 19

Another section complete!  In keeping with the story for the walking stick, (see earlier posts for full details on the story.) I've added pictures of edible plants and medicinal herbs.  They were somewhat difficult to wood burn onto the walking stick due to their small size.  I think that they came out pretty well. 

The corn on the cob is next to the corn plant, suggesting a connection between the two pictures.  Hopefully, everyone will be able to recognize the dandelion.  It's greens are edible in the spring.  The flowers make a nice dandelion wine also.  Although many people may only recognize the plantain plant as some week that grows in the yard, many old herbals have uses listed on it.  This is not the plantain that produces a fruit that looks like a banana.  You will have to find an herbal for more information.  My last picture is an aloe, or perhaps it could be interpreted as an agave plant.  So, perhaps an aloe as a treatment for burns or an agave, which was used for sugar or for creating alcohol.  Despite alcohol's bad reputation for misuse, I suspect that
it had a lot to do with the human race
managing to get through some tough times in history.

The plants are interspersed among the human silhouettes, to indicate their importance to the people.   It also helps fill in the empty spaces between the figures.

There is only one more section left on the walking stick.  I expect that I should have it burned onto the stick by the next post as long as the weather holds.  Check back for that post because I think it has some interesting ....?  Sorry, I don't want to give the ending away. 

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