Sunday, May 4, 2014

Field Project Photos

Field 5-4-2014
I've been working on the Hypertufa Spheres, but I don't have new photos yet.  I will have the first photos of the sphere and some of the balls ready for posting on Wednesday.

Today, I barely have time to grab a photo for the field project.  My field project is to photograph the field and how much it changes from week to week over the course of a year.  Today's photo was taken at 8:20 am.  The temperature was 57 degrees (Fahrenheit).  The wind was calm.  The vegetation has grown to almost the height of the cornstalks that were left in the field from last year.  The flowers remind me of sweet peas, although the leaf does not look like peas. 

The plants in the yard are also flowering.  The Comfrey growing next to the Buddha statue has pretty purple bell shaped flowers on it.  The Iris were only small green leaves a few weeks ago have flowered.  We have already had to mow the lawn twice. 

Buddha in the garden.
I did not post about the Hypertufa spheres today because we are starting early this morning on the next phase of the reconstruction of our home.  Yesterday Bill painted the den and hallway.  Today we lay the flooring in those areas.  This is a major step in getting the house back together after the plumbing disaster.  Next weekend we will be painting one of the bedrooms and hopefully laying the floor in there.  Here's hoping that we will be able to lay the floor.  We have to wait until the concrete cures to a certain level of dryness.  I'm thinking that we will probably start with the smaller bedroom because the trench created to dig up the pipes in the slab was not as deep in that area.  I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

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