Thursday, February 19, 2015

Stylized Painted Box - Part 3

I started to add embellishment to the box I have been painting.  It is one of those ideas where one thing led to another.  I had purchased a workbook to learn how to do Zentangle.  It is a a great way to relax and take your mind off things.  As I started to work with the workbook, I noticed a resemblance to Moroccan art.  I was needing a small wooden box, so I decided to paint one using the skills I had picked up doing the Zentangle.   That is how things all got started.

When I was practicing with a pencil and paper, I was having trouble imitating the leaf pattern I was seeing on examples of Moroccan art.  It was not until after I started painting that I was able to get things to come out as I wanted it.  The brush stroke is basically a 45 degree line and then the tip of the paint brush is laid down from the base of the line and laid flat to get the curved shape.

Anyway, I started to paint.  I did everything freehand other than the borders.  I used a ruler to mark them and then painted them without using tape.  It gives the box a more primitive look that way.  Things aren't symmetrical.  But then, not everything in nature is evenly space either, and that was the look I was trying to produce.  I suppose that if I were to do the project again, I might mark the midpoints. 

I have done most of the painting on the top surface of the box.  I have the front floral design painted, but have not yet gone back to paint the flowers blue.  I may do some shading on all the flowers, but that will be after everything else is painted.  It is still a work in progress.

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