Thursday, May 5, 2016

Lamb Fail

Well, I had hoped to show you pictures of a constructed or at least partially constructed lamb today.  However, that is not the case.  For one thing I have only had one hour and twelve minutes to work on it.  The second thing is that I managed to wreck the project in that time.  Although I enlarged my pattern, it was still too small to be able to turn the fabric.  I managed to rip the feet off two legs trying to turn the project right side out. The fusible fleece I used on the project was too thick and stiff to turn at that size.  So my choices are to enlarge the pattern again and go purchase more fusible fleece or just make the lame from muslin. 

I chose to make the lamb out of muslin rather than adding the fusible fleece to the muslin.  Due to my travels, I have been away from the project for so long I am asking myself why I started the project in the first place.  Sometimes when I put a project down for an extended period of time, I lose interest in it.  In an attempt from this project becoming a UFO (unfinished object) I decided to rekindle it by working on a muslin lamb.  Maybe something will come out of it and I will go on to finish the project.

The lamb was never a priority project, but I had hoped that I could apply what I had learned to make a larger folk art lamb.  However, there are other projects that I really would like to get started on as soon as I can.  I had already purchased the materials for a different project when I digressed to get started on the lamb.  If I hit another snag I might just put it away and go back to the other project.  The year is already five  months along and I am not getting much done.  (At least as far as my art is concerned.)

Anyway, I have pinned the pattern back onto some muslin to make another attempt at the lamb.  So my lamb photo today is showing me starting over on the project.  I will give it one more try, but only because I decided I would rather make a folk art lamb than buy the one I saw at the folk art museum in San Diego.  If I do decide to make a larger lamb later in the year, I think I may be using a different construction method.  More about that whenever I get around to it.

Check back Sunday.  Maybe I will have the lamb cut out by then.  


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