Sunday, September 18, 2016

Vampire Halloween Doll - Part 6

Here he is! He is almost finished.  I just have to make his cape and the doll portion will be complete.  It feels like this has been a long time coming.  I have been running non-stop for weeks and just have not had time to get into the studio.  When you craft as a hobby, it is all too easy to say that crafting is what gets put off when life gets busy.  But this year, it has been busy in a good way for the most part, so busy is still a plus.

This doll was the dickens to make since it is so small.  I had to look under a magnifying lens to see what I was doing when I was sewing on the clothing.  Things went much smoother once I started using the magnifying glass.  It was so much easier to see what I was doing.  Of course, under a lens, it is also easier to see every mistake....  The hands and arms could have been done better, but it is a little late in the process to worry about that now.  But overall, I think the doll is acceptable for a quick craft doll.  It was just supposed to be for a bit of Halloween fun.

I added a little bit of mixed red and burnt umber paint to his mouth.  I must admit, without the extra paint he looked a little goofy.  The darker color adds a little gore adds some depth and makes him look a little scarier.  The area was so tiny that I had to paint it on with the tip of a needle.    

I still have to make his cape.  I expect to have it completed in the next couple of days.  The cape will tie under his chin, and will take up a bit of the open space under his neck.  I plan to make the cape black with a red lining.  I'm going for the old-school vampire look for the moment.  Who knows, I could change my mind after I see what he looks like with the cape.

Anyway, the doll finishes out at just five inches tall.  That will fit nicely into the casket box.  I have not yet addressed how to make him move once the box is opened.  I think my first choice will be to try some compressible (open cell) foam under the lining of the casket.  I will post the doll as if he were trying to climb out of the casket and shut the lid, which will mash him down against the foam.  Hopefully, when the box is opened, the foam will decompress to its normal thickness.  This should cause the doll to rise up and look as if it is trying to come out of the casket.  Well, once can hope.  If that does not work, I will try to make a spring and glue it into the bottom of the casket.  If that does not work, I will try to purchase a better spring.  It it still does not work, then I am pretty much out of ideas.  I will just have to try it and see.

So the project is coming to a close, most likely by the end of the coming week.  Check back on Sunday for some news on a new project and some local excitement.

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