Sunday, June 9, 2019

More Trip Photos

This last trip to the cabin we did very little work.   Much of our time was spent sitting on the screened-in porch enjoying some well-deserved time off.  We have been so busy lately that it seems like we never even have a chance to sit down.  It was nice to have some time off to just sit and relax without have to get up and start working the moment the sun comes up.

The stream is flowing slower at this time of year.  The snow melt is over and the heavier rains of springtime have slowed down somewhat.  It has still been a fairly wet year, so the stream still has a nice rushing sound.  It's continuous sound is a wonderful white noise that never stops.  When I read while sitting on the porch I have to get up frequently to keep from becoming drowsy. 

While we were out driving, we came across a bob cat crossing the road the gravel road that was near a stream.  It is unusual to see one at all.  It was not the time of day that they usually hunt, so I think that it might have gone down to the stream to drink.  It was a good sized cat.  I think it was almost fully grown.  When I was reading about them they said they can grow to about forty inches long.  I don't think that the bob cat was quite that big, so probably it was an older juvenile.

The bob cat did not seem to be afraid of us.  The cat had some attitude.  Clearly it heard our truck coming on the road from some distance away.  It stood there in the middle of the road until the truck came into sight.  Once we were in view, it looked at us then turned and walked up the ridge into cover.    It did not run, or show fear, it merely moved out of the way.  I think the cat was trying to show that it considered this his (or her) territory.  The message was clear that it considered itself more than a match for us. 

Our friends were in residence at one of the other cabins.  We spent an enjoyable day at a cook out over there.  The weather was just about as perfect a temperature as you can have for a cook out.  For most of the day it was partly sunny.  We did have a couple of showers that came through.  Fortunately there were some pop up tents.  Everyone ran under them and crowded together until the rain passed.  The shower only lasted a few minutes.  A good day was had by all.  

At this time of the year the hay is being harvested.  Some fields have been cut.  Others are still awaiting the machine to come and cut the field.  Once the hay has been cut down, it stays laying in the field until it dries.  Once dry, another machine comes by and rolls it into huge cylindrical bales.  A photo shows some hay that has recently been rolled into cylinders.

I love Spring because everything is so beautifully green.  Even structures that are rusted or faded look beautiful then.  It is a treat to just go riding around the countryside and see what there is to see.

Next week I will be blogging about my latest projects again.  Check back next Sunday.

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