Sunday, June 23, 2019

Progress Update on Denim Rug Project

I did not blog last week.  Usually that means I am out on the road somewhere, but that was not the case this time.  I was dealing with a very large Microsoft update.  It was giving me a lot of grief.  I am sure that part of the problem is that we do not have high speed internet, but the other part of the problem is definitely an internet provider problem.  I tried to get the update on Friday.  The download quit after 1%.  The same thing happened the next night.  On Sunday I finally was able to get the whole update, but it took just short of twenty-four hours to download it.  I never had a chance to get onto the blog that day at all.

Anyway, I only have a brief update on the denim rug project.  I am still slogging along on making the strips needed to weave the rug.  The good news is that I am now about two thirds of the way finished with the strips.  They take a fair amount of time to make a strip.  I will usually work for an hour, taking a short break after thirty minutes just to move around a bit.  It seems like I have just started when the timer goes off telling me my crafting time is up and I need to get on with the day.  I wish I could say that I craft every day, but that is no longer the case.  I am so busy now that I am lucky to get in an hour or two a week.

I am fortunate that I have a dedicated craft room and I can leave things just as they were when I hit the stop point.  If I had put away the sewing machine and materials every time I would have even less time to work on the project.  I hope (fingers crossed) that in the next couple of weeks I will complete making the strips.  Maybe that is wishful thinking, but it should be soon.  I think that once I get to the point of actually weaving the strips the project will quickly come to completion.

I want to have all of the strips completed before I get to far into the weaving because I don't want too much of any color ending up in one spot.  I am trying to keep to alternating dark, medium and light colors of denim.  Many of the denims may just be only a slightly different tone from each other.  It has been a challenge to keep the pattern going.

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