Monday, March 18, 2024

Paper Mâché Owl Part 8 Adding Some Bulk and Feathers

Last blog post I said the most of the armature was complete.  I guess the key word there was "most".  Once I had the owl standing, I decided that it needed some padding around the thigh.  So I added some foil and tape to fill out the thigh.  I used foil to create the shape.  After that it was covered with more tape.


Padding the thigh.

After the thigh was padded, the wing did not seem to have enough shape, so I added some shaped layers of foil and tape on both wings.  Building up the armature is a multistep process.  With each layer I try to make it look a little more like an owl.

                                      Adding more shaping to the wings.

The feet needed some bulking up before I start to add the layers of paper mâché.  Owl's feet and claws are covered with thick skin, much like chicken feet.  They are bumpy and very rough.  To mimic that shape, I used some hot glue to give the foot some texture and make it a little thicker.  This will also reduce the amount of layers of paper mâché needed to fill out the feet.  

Hot glue on the feet to add some bulk.

This completed most of the armature, but it needs feathers to make it look more like a bird.  Next blog post I will show adding the "feathers".  Check back next week for the next segment.

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