Friday, January 27, 2012

Update: Progress on Diorama and Gazing Ball

Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day, despite the forecast for rain.  It was so warm that I was able to take my workbench outside and grout my stained glass gazing ball in my yard.  I experimented with an epoxy grout this time.  It should work well for external use.  However, I was a little disappointed with the color of the grout.  The color did not closely match its example on the front of its container.  It is considerably lighter now that the grout is dry.  I would have preferred that it was darker to better unite the design on the gazing ball. The spiral design is still there, but not nearly as visible as I would have like it to be.  It was raining earlier this morning and is still overcast at the moment.  Hopefully it will clear off soon and I will be able to get a picture of the ball to put on the blog sometime this weekend.

I spent a little time on the diorama yesterday as well.  I made some construction paper cut outs to try to get a sense of the layout and proper proportions.  Now that I have an idea of the design, I will begin making the elements of the diorama out of Styrofoam, and cover them in paper mache. 

I have been reading a book on photographing art and craft objects.  I am close to getting out the camera and trying to take some good pictures of my folk art.  They will be the subject of future blogging.

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