Saturday, March 3, 2012

Diorama Update with Photos

The working title for this Folk Art piece is Devil Looking for Trouble in a Small Town.  This part of the  work is more or less finished.  I still need to find some way to finish off the headlights.  They need something and I have not yet determined how to finish off that part of the car.

The car and figures are made from paper mache and painted with acrylic craft paints.  The figures were created with a wire and tape armature covered with paper mache and painted with craft paints.

I had pretty much finished the piece when my husband said that he thought it would look nice as part of a diorama.  I had a number of ideas for the diorama, and it took a while to settle on a theme.  I finally decided on the car driving through a small town.  So far, I have the basic building shapes covered in paper mache and painted with two layers of gesso.  Now I just have to start painting.  This part of the project should go fairly quickly compared to the layers of paper mache.

The buildings are made from an armature of styrofoam and masking tape covered in paper mache.  I had allowed for the thickness of paper mache when I cut the styrofoam, however it appears that I did not allow nearly enough.  Although it is not visible in the photo, the buildings are hanging over each end by about  3/4  1/4 of an inch.  I will have to decide whether to saw the ends of both buildings and recover the area in paper mache or  just leaving them to hang over the edge.  At this point I am inclined to leave things as they are, but I have not yet made a final decision.

  Next time I blog, I will write about the decisions that went into the creation of the piece and how the work evolved into the title.

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