Thursday, April 5, 2012

Update and Mosaic Photo

Diorama Update:  I have completed the second building and I am about half way through painting the third building.  I expect to finish that building today.  Once it is completed, I will take some more photos so you can see the progress on the diorama.

The photo is a slightly closer view of the mosaic I posted on last time I blogged.  It was my first mosaic and I was just learning how to make them.  The mosaic was cast in a stepping stone mold with the flower design in it face down.  Fine sand was sifted into the spaces between the glass pieces about half the depth of the glass.  Then the concrete mix was added to the mold. 

Once the concrete had set, I removed the stone from the mold.  I used Liquid Nails brand glue to adhere more glass tiles around the edge of the stone.  Then I grouted the piece.  After I made this piece, I read a book that said that you should not stick tiles around the edge because they would not stay.  My glass pieces have stayed intact.  However, I will note that this is an indoor piece and has not been exposed to weather.  I can't say what might happen to it outdoors.  All in all, it is much easier to paint the edge of the piece than to adhere tiles and grout the edges.

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