Wednesday, January 9, 2013


While waiting for my books to arrive so I can do some research on making a carousel, I'm playing with hearts.  I find that after I finish a prolonged project I need a little down time before I begin the next one.  Creative play helps me unwind a little.  When I allow myself to play a little, I feel refreshed and ready to start my next project.  This time I chose hearts.  Valentine's Day is around the corner, so hearts were on my mind.

My experiment was to cut out a bunch of hearts out of a piece of poster board and see what they looked like when I used various arts and crafts techniques and materials.  I have only been working on this for a short time, so there aren't a lot of results yet.  The hearts in the blog today have holes in them for jewelry or attaching to a fiber project.

These hearts have no particular purpose.  I am just using them as a method of playing with different materials and seeing what happens.  The hearts could end up in a mixed media collage, craft project, or the trash.  It doesn't really matter because I am just playing.  Who knows, I might come up with some idea that ends up being submitted to a craft magazine.  You never know what will happen when you allow your imagination to experiment.

While all this is going on, my mind is running ideas for the carousel in the background.  My carousel won't be just a plain horse carousel.  It will have some sort of theme, although I haven't decided which one yet.  Sooner or later, the idea will rise to the surface.  Right now, I'm just mulling over possibilities: animals other than horses, Halloween theme, nightmare, dragons?  Yes, I went there, dragons!  By allowing my ideas time to incubate, I'll come up with something unusual.  It will be fun.  

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