Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Update on the Carousel Project

It's the next to the last day in January and I'm still looking at what I have accomplished on the Carousel project.  So far, I have four menagerie animal designs reduced to the size I need by the grid method.  They are a giraffe, a camel, a cat, and a pig. 

I've completed three of the four armatures so far.  The pig is only half way done.  From looking at what I've accomplished, it seems like only a small bit of work for having worked a good part of the month on this project.  The animals are so small, three to four inches, that it really takes an extra amount of time to create the armatures.  Some pieces are so tiny that I have to hold onto the bits with tweezers.  I should have the pig armature completed by this afternoon. 

Hopefully, I will be starting to add the layers of paper mache' tomorrow.  As you can see from the pictures, I have not yet addressed the issue of the pole that will go through each animal.  That is not an oversight.  I want to get one layer of paper mache' onto the each animal to stabilize the armature before I start to deal with the pole. 

I'll be blogging more about the pole for the menagerie animals in a later post.

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