Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Clown Juggler Art Doll- pictures

 Once again I apologize for the disorganized format of today's blog.  The platform will not allow me to post the pictures in the space I want to post them.  Today it won't even let me post them in the order I want to post them.  When I add a picture, it drops my text way down to that it is hard to see.  When I move the text up it deletes the pictures.  I've run out of time to mess with it, so this is how the blog will have to look today.  Please look  below for the rest of my commentary.

As I blogged last time, I'm beginning a carousel project.  I'm still in research mode.  I ordered books from the libranry and guess what?  Somehow all of the books on carousels are mysteriously missing.They offered to purchase more books, bua a library purchase can take weeks to months, so I decided to order them for myself.  They should be here in a few days.  I was able to find a couple of books at a fairlly reasonable price, but books on carousels are expensive.  If the books I ordered are in good enough shape, I will donate them to the library when Im finished.  Other than that, I have purchased the material that I plan to use for the base, but that is as far as I have proceeded with the carousel project.I thought I'd post a picture of one of my previous projects today.  This is an art doll that I call The Clown Juggler.  I had just finished a very colorful quilt, and wanted to do something in black and white.  The result was this art doll.  This doll has a cloth body over an armature of wire, batting, and string.  His head and hands are bake in the oven polymer clay.  The hoops and stick are pieces of wire covered with white and black embroidery thread. 

The Clown Juggler was a part of a larger project that I have mentioned in previous blogs.  I had made a number of headless doll bodies with the intention of having the body part of a doll already made so I could jump right in to making a doll when inspiration struck.  It has been helpful in some ways, but not in others.  It was great to be able to jump right in and start the fun part of doll making.  However, there were times that I had a body this size and I wanted a doll that size.  Then I had to go through an internal dilemma to figure out what was more important to me at the time.  Also, there is more pressure in getting the head "right" on the first try.  In some circumstances, it meant a lot of deconstructing if the head did not come out properly.  Despite those drawbacks, it was an enjoyable project.  Although, as I mentioned before, it creeped my husband out to have all those headless doll bodies lying around.

This doll is not free standing.  He is held upright by a metal doll stand.  This was the last doll I made before I began experimenting with free standing art dolls.

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