Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Second Painted Box

Flowers on the Garden Wall
This is the second painted box.  I call it Flowers on the Garden Wall.  I feel a need to name these practice paintings, although I can't say that they are anything I really care about.  This painting is on the box that had the green background.  Once again, I am using acrylic artist's paints.

The good news was that this box was of sturdier cardboard, which made it easier to paint.  The challenge this time was that it was a smaller box.  The first box had 54 square inches on it's largest painting surfaces. (8.0 x 6.67 inches).  The box was only 42.75 square inches.  (4.5 x 9.5 inches) That resulted in 11.25 square inches less painting area.  I had to use some very small brushes.  Fortunately, I occasionally paint Artist Trading Cards, so I had the brushes I needed. 

Because of the box's long narrow shape, I had to decide whether to do a tall narrow painting or a wider panoramic painting.  Obviously I chose long and tall here.  The good thing about the small size is that it cuts down on some of the detail you can add.  I used this box because it was the one that came along at the time I was ready to paint.  I would recommend using larger boxes if you want to add more detail to a painting.

I am never really satisfied with my paintings.  As they say, you have to paint a lot of bad paintings before you start to paint good one.  I just don't draw well enough to do really good paintings.  If I were doing this painting over, I would make the stem of the vase smaller and have it look more like a garden urn rather than a goblet.   I feel that I could have added a little more detail to the far background trees though.  And some more highlights on the flowers and the wall.  However, I'm only playing in between big projects.  When you are playing, you reach a point when it is time to put the brush down and move on.

One more box to go before I think about starting another big project.

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