Sunday, August 4, 2013

Underpainting the Boxes

This week just flew by.  It has been one of those weeks when time was not on my side.  About the only thing I accomplished as far as painting goes was to under paint the boxes.  Hopefully, I will be able to get on with painting the next box and have it mostly finished to post on Wednesday.

The picture shows the under painting of the boxes.  The green box is a muddle of Hookers Green, Wild Lime, Ultramarine Blue and Dioxazine Purple.  (I used Liquitex and Windsor & Newton artist's paints, not craft paints.)  For the brown box I used Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber.  Before beginning the muddle, I brushed the box with water in order to allow the paints to flow better.  If you look at the brown box, you can see that I missed a spot at a seam on the right.  The white is showing through.  I have found that you really have to scrub into the seams to make sure the white gets covered.  It is better to do it at this stage rather than later in the painting.

I think that if someone wanted to paint boxes as gift boxes without doing a painting, that you could almost get by just doing the muddle.  I could see embellishing the brown box with some gold paint and using it as is.  However, I have committed these boxes to having a painting, so I will continue on beyond this point.

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