Sunday, October 13, 2013

Shaman Staff Walking Stick-Part 11-Photos

It has been raining this week.  The remnants of Tropical Storm Karen came through earlier in the week, but all we  had from it was rain.  After that, the storm reformed off the coast as a low pressure system.  It started raining again and has been raining on and off all week.  I haven't been able to get outside to do any wood burning so far this week.

I have added some more aquatic creatures to the walking stick so that I'm ready to get started once it is dry enough to work outside.  I do my wood burning outside so that the odor of charred wood does not smell up the house.  Even though I am working outside, on damp days I can still smell a bit of the charred wood odor coming off the stick.  The scent is not strong enough to be unpleasant, it is just there.

The pictures are not as well lit as I would like them to be.  I accidentally knocked over one of my lamps and broke the bulb.  I'm hoping I can find the bulb I need locally.  If not I'll have to order it.  Another thing to add to my list of things that need doing.

Anyway, it has been a rainy week so I have been working on other projects.  I'm even getting some house work done.  Cooler weather is setting in, and it is time to change out summer clothing for warmer items.  I might as well get that done now while it is too wet to be working outside.

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