Sunday, July 13, 2014

Goblin Diorama - Part 6

This week I worked on putting together the house for the diorama.  Last week I had blogged that I was having a bit of trouble with the dormer.  It is fixed, but in the process of fixing it, the dormer became larger and is a little over sized for the house.  In this case I feel that I can live with that because the theme of the diorama is supposed to have a feel of things being not right.  As a Halloween diorama about goblins, an off kilter house fits right in.

Field 7-13-2014
Field on 6-29-2014
The house is foam core board that I put together with hot glue.  I painted it black thinking that when I put in windows, it would appear to have some depth.  Now I am not sure that it was such a good idea.  Perhaps I should have only painted the areas of the windows black.  The next step is to add clapboards.  They will be hot glued to the house also.  Herein lies the problem with painting the house: the hold of the glue is only as strong as the coat of paint.  It may not be a problem.  The clapboards will be made from craft sticks, which are not very heavy.  If it does turn out to be a problem, I have a Plan B.  Regular readers may have guessed what Plan B is; add a layer of papier mache.  However, until proven otherwise, I will go ahead with the original plan.  After all, if worst comes to worst, I'll just cut up some more foam core board.

That is about as far as I have gotten this week.  July is a busy month for me and my time in the studio is limited with so much going on.    Things will slow down after this week, and I expect to make better progress soon.  Being away from the studio for so long has changed my habits, and I need to get back to my old schedule.

It is Sunday, and that means that it is time for another field photo.  Today's photo was taken at 9:00 am.  The temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  Winds are from the South South West at 9 miles per hour.   This photo was taken a little later than normal. I usually try to get out about 8:30 am.  By 9:00 am the sun has risen high enough that the field is no longer shadowed by the trees.  It is humid this morning.  Humidity is 70%.  Things look much drier.  We have have very little rain and afternoon temperatures have mostly been in the upper nineties, with a number of days pegging in at over 100 degrees (Fahrenheit).  Our hottest day was 102 degrees.

I did not post a photo last Sunday due to being on vacation.  It seems as if I missed a critical week.  There have been many changes to the field.  The last photo I posted showed that the field had sprouted grass and something which I thought might have been beans.  Since then, most of that has been plowed under.  The area has been further divided into small plots.  A few green areas have been left within each plot and a generous border was left close to the street.  I am guessing that the farmer is practicing erosion control.  I would consider this a good practice.

Check back on Wednesday for new photos of the house of the diorama.

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