Sunday, March 24, 2019

Rain Delay Project on Hold

We had a rainy week.  On top of that we ran into a problem with the van and it needed to go in for some service twice.  First we took it to the local repair shop.  They said they could put in the part, module, or whatever it was, but we would still have to take it to the dealership in order for it to be programmed.  They gave us an estimate of about $850.00.  We decided to have all the work done at the dealership.  All of this took a lot of time.  We were trying to work the trips up and back to the repair places around our schedules and around the rain.  It made hash out of my plans for the week.

I did not even make the trip out to buy the exterior sealer I needed for the doll project.  I also avoided going out in the rain to the thrift stores looking for a dress for the doll as well.  My work on the project pretty much stalled out this week.   It looks like I will have to pick it up next week.  The weather is supposed to be mild.  I hope to finish sealing the doll now that I can open the windows for some ventilation.

Other than that, I did some work on the quilt I blogged about a couple of posts back.  I will be posting a picture of it once the quilt top is finished. 

Check back next Sundat for (hopefully) progress on the life size doll.

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