Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Update on the Folk Art Carousel

The giraffe before his tail is added.
I have completed painting the tail for the folk art giraffe.  I had to remake his tail because the first one came out too thick.  I will be adding that to the giraffe today. 

Also, I have been painting the camel, which has proven to be a bit of a challenge.  The first color was too dark.  The second coat was too light.  And no, the third coat was not just right, but it might do if I add a glaze over it to highlight some of the rougher areas. 

If I ever have a hint for anyone, this is it:  Never say to yourself, I have things caught up and I'm going to spend the day working on my project.  I did that yesterday.  I planned to start on the project as soon as I checked my email and social media.  Big mistake.  On Facebook someone I had not spoken to in years messaged me and we messaged back and forth for a while.  The phone rang and it was a call I had to take.  That generated an errand that took over an hour.  I had lunch and finally sat down to work on my project.  My husband shows up from work hours early.  They were having some type of test of the backup electrical system and he could not use his computer so he came home.  After numerous interruptions about this and that I gave up and decided to iron.

Next blog:  I am going to try an experiment on the folk art camel.  I'm doing some dimensional paper mache' for his bridle and blankets.  Check back on Sunday for pictures.

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