Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Carousel Part 23-Carousel Floor Stained-Also Cabin Trip Photo

I've stained the carousel floor.  It is a little patchy.  Some areas stained better than others.  I guess that is  to be expected, after all this floor is made from skinny craft sticks.  The sticks are not the best quality of wood. It looks better in real life than it does in the photo.  I am debating to add another coat of stain to make it a little darker.  I used a pecan colored stain and it is not stain as dark as I would like it.

We had some small cans of stain here at the house, so I chose between what was available here rather than go buy some new product.  It did not seem economical to purchase a whole can of stain in order to stain one square foot of space.  We had pecan and dark walnut stain.  I thought the dark walnut would be too dark, so I went with the pecan. 

I also added a photo of the stream behind the cabin.  This area had filled up with gravel.  I dug out most of the gravel pit by hand.  I estimate that I moved over a ton of gravel. 

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