Sunday, May 26, 2013

Carousel-Part 27-Sometimes You Have to Say "Time to Start Over"

As many of my readers have probably already figured out, my housing just isn't going to work out.  It would have been much easier and quicker to have used four long pieces to make one box with some bracing rather than the fiasco I created.  I really have no excuse for the mess because I have a lot of experience with remodeling my home.  Although it appeared to be laying flat when I was gluing it together, the box twists and leans like the leaning tower of Pisa. 

Not only did I mess up on the design, but I also had a math fail. As in, I failed to account for the added length due to the cross pieces.  Rather than making the housing twelve inches high, it turned out to be thirteen and a half inches high.  Even so, it should have only been twelve and three quarter inches tall. 
Obviously I cut something wrong.  Sometimes I just amaze myself at how badly I can mess something up. 

At thirteen and a half inches the housing is too tall.  It just won't look right proportionately.  The good news is that it is not expensive to start again.  The cost is relatively minor.  I'm glad that I'm buying my supplies from a big box hardware store so I don't have to face the same clerk for my third trip in to buy one quarter inch pieces of wood! 

I suppose that it is possible at this point to take the boxes apart and cut some of the excess length on one section.  The box has a slight twist to it, but that could settle out once it is glued to the external panels.  I'd need to shim one corner of the box to make it plumb.  I'm just not sure it is worth the effort.  I'll have to think about it.  Check back for the results.

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