Sunday, March 2, 2014

Garden Art Experiment- Part 7

Just a recap of the project so far:  I created a ball mold and cast concrete around it so that I have a concrete ball, and sealed the ball with a concrete sealer.  See the earlier posts for details.  Now I am painting this ball.  Last blog post I showed pictures of the progress of the ball.  I left off with the base coats of the flowers. (First picture)

The flowers have been shaded with various mixtures of Cad. Yellow, Burnt Sienna, and Ultramarine Blue. (Picture 2)  I have also started adding the base coat of the leaves.  I am about half way finished with getting them on the ball.  This layer of leaves is very basic.  They are basically the shady layer of leaves you would see if you were looking down into a plant.  They will not have any detail on them.   Another layer of leaves will be painted over top of them. The second layer of leaves will have shading and detail.

It is also time for another picture for the Field Project.  Slightly more green than before, but not much overall change yet.  That will change here in just a very short time.

This is a very quick post today because a winter storm is headed this way.  The alerts just went up and I am heading for the grocery store.  Yesterday, no one expected this storm to be anything but an inconvenience, but now it is going to be a major event.  If I get to the store early, I might be able to get there before all the milk disappears.

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