Sunday, June 15, 2014

Field Project 6-15-2014

Today there has been a big change in the field.  Last Sunday, only after a short time after I took the photo, the field was harvested and replanted with something.  I guess the crop that was in there was some sort of cattle feed.  I have seen that plant  mixed in with hay fields sometimes.  The For Sale sign is also gone.  My neighbor told me that she had seen two men standing on the edge of the field before it was plowed.  I'm guessing that a deal was struck and the field was sold.

I can see that the field has been divided into four parts by a grassy median.  I guess that there may be more than one crop going into the field.  A large rain storm came through the area on Friday.  It was a major gully washer.  I hope it did not wash away all the seeds that have been planted.  Hopefully, there will be a chance for some photos of crops growing soon.

On my walk to the field this morning I saw some blackberries forming on the wild blackberry vines.  Soon I plan to be picking some berries for breakfast.  If the birds don't get them first that is.  That's okay.  I know a place where there are a lot of blackberries growing wild.  I have a plan.

We are coming to the end of our home repairs from the plumbing disaster.  We laid the new flooring in the final room yesterday.  Today the baseboard and trim is being put back.  Then we will start moving the furniture back into that room.  Then we have to unpack everything we had to box up while we did the repairs.  While Bill is working on the baseboard, I plan to be finishing up cleaning the last upstairs room.  I am more than half way finished on that.  Most likely we will finish today; if not, then we will finish up this week.  I am looking forward to getting back to work in my studio.

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