Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Progress on the Goblin Diorama

I've been able to make some progress on the diorama this week.  It feels great to be back in the studio.  So far, I have been working on the new mock up for the house.  I have decided to make the house taller but narrower.  Now that I have a plan, I will be starting the build of it tomorrow.  I hope to have a picture or two for Sunday's blog post.

When I first started the diorama, back before the plumbing disaster, I found that my house looked outsized for the base of the diorama.  I made one house model that was smaller, but as I suspected, it will greatly decrease the size of the figures and other pieces of the diorama if it is kept in proportion.  After working on really small figures on my Folk Art Carousel project, I really did not want to work with that small size again.  It is difficult to work on something when it is tiny.  This house will be a compromise.  It will not be totally in proportion to everything else, but it will be tall enough that I can have a little lee way in making larger figures.  It will be a size that I can work with, although the figures will be smaller than I would have liked.  It is about the best I can come up with at this point. 

Sometimes, when I let a project sit for a while, I find that I lose interest in the project.  I don't want that to happen on this one.  I am hoping that once I actually get started on the build that my enthusiasm for it will return.  At the moment, I feel somewhat ambivalent.  I think that once I get started that I will begin to enjoy the process and the ideas will start to flow.  So I am making a commitment to having a picture of the start of the build for Sunday's blog just to get started.   Now, if no more trees fall and my house will just stop needing more repairs, I can get going on this project.

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