Thursday, August 4, 2016

Playing With Owls 2

A few blog posts ago, I showed my drawing of an owl and the stencil I made from the drawing.  I was doing this while doing some creative play while decompressing after a couple of long projects.  I am still in play mode, but wanted to try my hand at a painting.  I used one of my stenciled owl silhouettes for the basis of my owl painting. 

This is just a thumbnail acrylic painting to see if I could paint an owl.  Regular readers know that my painting skills are not the greatest.  Every once in a while I decide to do a painting to try to improve my skills.  I plan to do a larger painting in a Halloween theme soon.  This was just a practice run.  I think his pupils need to be larger.  Rather than looking fierce, he seems to have a "deer in the headlights" look to him.  Well, better luck next time.

I had hit a spot where all of my projects had finished up at about the same time.  Without the continuity of an ongoing project, I sort of fell into a void.  Suddenly my creativity got up and went.  When that happens, I try to get over the block by playing around with various media.  This time I chose to work on owls.  I want to do some paintings that look at least somewhat like real owls.  (Well, at least I can hope.)  I want to do some campy pop art owls.  This is all in fun.  I don't have an attachment to the outcome of creative play.  They can all go in the trash if they look silly.

Although I have been playing for a few weeks, I have not spent a lot of time crafting.  I have been so busy that there are only a few minutes here and there that I can get into the studio.  However, I am moving back into working on some of my more complex ideas.  I am starting a new quilt.  The fabric has been purchased, and I am in the process of cutting the pieces.  I have cut more than a hundred pieces so far, and that is only the first piece of fabric.  Once the fabric is completely cut out, I will be ready for another craft project. 

Actually, I have a small craft project already started.  I will blog about that next blog post.  Check back on Sunday for an update on that project.

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