Sunday, February 12, 2017

Leaf and Star Quilt Update - Photos

First piece of the outer border has  been added.
This week the weather has been wonderfully springlike.  I admit that rather than staying in the studio, I was out side enjoying the  warmth and sunshine.  I was also out and about, which means I did not get anything much done in the studio.  Sometimes you just have to drop your plans and go with the flow when an opportunity presents itself.  It is supposed to be very warm again today, so I plan to be working outside.  After today, cold weather will be closing in again, so I want to make sure I have plenty of time outdoors.  I have been on the go so much that I have not even started on refurbishing the Jupiter Sphere as I blogged about last time.  Getting all that old paint off the ball is on my agenda for today.

I did spend some time researching for my new project: a doll that is a Flamenco dancer.  I have been looking at photos trying to get a feel for the pose I want to use for the doll.  Flamenco is a very dynamic dance.  I hope to capture the energy of the dance in this doll.  That can be hard to do in a static object like a doll.  I am starting to narrow down the options for the pose.  Once a final decision is made on that, I will begin making sketches and figuring out the support system.

What I did work on this week was my king size Leaf and Star Quilt.   I blogged about this quilt last at the end of January.  At that point I showed that I had completed a row of blocks.  I can't believe how much I have completed on this quilt top in the last couple of weeks.  I am adding the final border.  I have completed adding the border piece on one side.  The other side is half-way finished.  After that, I only have to add the top and bottom borders and the quilt will be ready for adding the batting and backing.

I did take a break for a couple of days on that project.  This quilt has been pieced by hand.  My fingers were getting sore.  Sometimes it is better to rest for a few days rather than try to press on when inflammation gets started.  A badly inflamed joint can really set you back for a while.  Today, my hand feels better.  I will be back to working on the quilt this evening.

I hope to have some progress on my various craft projects this week.  I will have new photos on Thursday.

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