Monday, February 27, 2017

Pin Cushions 2

I was not able to blog yesterday.  The computer was tied up and by the time I was able to get access, I was too busy to stop and get on the computer.  So I am blogging on Monday instead of Sunday.  Despite appearances, I have been getting somewhere on my projects.  In the last week or so I have been working on the pin cushions.

The pin cushions are not finished yet.  I have not even finished stuffing them yet.  They take a long time to stuff because you have to stuff them until they are very firm in order for them to hold pins effectively.  It takes about three to three and a half hours to stuff one large, one medium, and one small size of the cushions.  At this point, I have nearly nineteen hours into these pin cushions when you count drafting the pattern, cutting out the material, sewing them and then stuffing them.  There are still two more sets of each size to stuff. 

None of these pin cushions are finished; they are only stuffed.  They still have to be embellished.  Each of the indentations will be tied with thread, which will help compress the pin cushions and make them a little firmer still.  Then a circle or other interesting shape is sewn over the area where the cut was made to stuff the pin cushions and where knots are tied from the thread.  After that, I will be adding some further embellishments.  You will see photos of the embellishments once they are complete.

I guess some of my readers are wondering why I have gone overboard on making pin cushions.  They are a project for my quilting guild.  Not everything we do is a quilt.  We have numerous projects throughout the year.  I am really spending a lot of time on guild projects rather than my art at the moment.  I am almost at a stopping point on that.  After these pin cushions are completed, I will be ready to move on to working on my Flamenco Dancer doll.

Fingers crossed.  I hope to have a new blog post on Thursday.

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