Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Paper Mâché Owl - Part 19 Painting Progress

I have not posted in a couple of weeks.  I apologize to my regular viewers.   We had family visit, took a trip, and an elder care issue and it had me tied up for quite a while.  Today, I am still trying to catch up after all of that.  However, I did manage to do a little painting on the back of the owl.  

The painting on the back is not finished.  It only has the initial coat of dark color on it.  I will be painting in a yellowish/brownish gray to fill in the white areas of the back and head.  

The paining on the front of the owl does not match the back at this point.  Earlier posts showed a reddish color that I was never satisfied with.  I had also tried to match the pattern of owl feathers, but as I remarked earlier, it appeared too uniform.  I tried to dab on darker spots of paint to change to a more random look, but it just did not seem to work.  Once I found a dark color for the back it was clear that the values were not compatible.  I plan to repaint the front of the owl once I have the back completely painted.

Photo:  Failed painting of front.

I found that randomly dabbing the paint did a better job of imitating an owls pattern than trying to paint each feather the same pattern.  It just looks more natural.  If I can just get the right value of gray for the rest of the back, I have some hope that this owl is going to look a lot like I anticipated.

Anyway, once again, sorry for the delay in posting and for such a quick post this week.  I have a lot going on, but it is starting to settle down.

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