Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Paper Mâché Owl -Part 20 - Underpainting Completed

The holiday has passed and I have finished the underpainting.  We are having some really hot weather here and it has been conducive to staying inside.  Earlier this week we had temperatures at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit with heat indexes sometimes going as high as 110 degrees.  It has been pretty miserable outside.

So, I have been working for hours to try to get the underpainting finished.  Some of it came out as I liked and some did not.  I mixed up a lot of paint, because I wanted the color to be consistent over the while body of the owl.  I knew that it was going to take multiple days to paint the owl because it takes a long time to paint each individual feather.  I worked and worked to try to get the color I wanted for the painting.  I used the better part of three tubes of paint trying to blend the paint to get the color to come out a brownish color.  It looked right when I first mixed it, although I expected it to dry darker.  When dry the color came out a brownish-olive color.  Not exactly what I was hoping for.  However, it is only the underpainting.  There is going to be another layer or two of paint on it before it is finished.  At least it looks a little more like an owl now.  

I have already started on the next paint layer, but do not have any photos of it yet.  I actually hope to have the owl finished by time for the next blog post on Tuesday, July 16th. 

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