Thursday, November 8, 2012

Faux Tesla Coil Halloween Project-Part 10

My apologies to regular readers for not getting my blog post up yesterday.  I was called in to work before I had time to get on the computer.  I usually try to get to the blog first thing on Wednesdays. 

I have made some progress on painting the anthropomorphic pumpkin figure.  I painted the body, head, arms, and legs, then gave all the parts a glaze of burnt umber to highlight the pits and bumps.  Once the glaze was painted on, I lifted off most of it with paper towels.  The remaining glaze gives the vegetables the appearance of texture and age.  The varying colors invite the viewer to examine it more closely.  I still need to paint the face on the pumpkin head.

I have also painted the base and boiler of the steam engine.  I still have a lot of work to do on this part of the diorama.  There will be more bells and whistles on it when it is finished.  Also, I need to add the fly wheel and push rods that will connect it to the dynamo.  I have not begun to work on those parts yet.    

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