Sunday, October 5, 2014

Goblin Halloween Diorama- Part 25- Making Trees - Field Project

Branch sized increased after plaster cloth.
Plaster with rough texture.
Sort of a quick post today.  I've been working on making trees for the diorama.  I completed the wiring and taping of the second tree. I started adding the plaster cloth wrap on the first tree, but it is not yet complete.  I still have a few more branches and the roots to wrap before I finish this tree.  I added a few large pieces of plaster cloth wrap onto the second tree, but have not added plaster cloth to the branches.  I had originally considered experimenting with making my own plaster cloth, but with Halloween closing in, I decided that it would be more time efficient to just purchase some more plaster cloth wrap.  If we had not had a plumbing disaster that caused me to repair a large portion of my home, I would have had this diorama completed a long time ago.  

Today's blog focus is what the tree looks like before and after the plaster cloth wrap is applied.  It adds a lot of volume to the branches.  I think it may add more volume than if I had been using strip pieces of paper mache', but not so much as to make the product unusable for this purpose. 

I used the plaster cloth wrap mainly because I had some left over from another project.  However, the quicker drying time for the plaster cloth was also a consideration.  I would have had to wait a day or more between coats of paper mache'.  And if I had used paper mache' I would probably have had to use at least two coats, perhaps three.  With the plaster cloth, it was one coat and done.

Plaster cloth can be smoothed to a smooth finish and sanded, or it can be left with a very rough texture.  I chose to have a rough texture because I want it too look like tree bark.  Once everything is dry, it will be painted brown and given a dark wash.  The tree should have a very textured look once the painting is complete.

It is Sunday, so it is time for the picture of my field project.  Today's photo was taken at 9:11 am.  Winds were light and variable.  The temperature was 49 degrees Fahrenheit.  We have not had frost yet, but it is coming soon. 

Check back Wednesday for more on the diorama.

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