Thursday, April 30, 2015

Photos from the Road

I don't have anything new to post on the blog about my Anthropomorphic Figure project because I have been away for the week.  We made our first trip up to the cabin this year.  It is always a relief to get to the cabin and find that nothing unfortunate has happened to it over the winter.  There is always the worry that a tree might have damaged it.  Snow and ice can take a real toll on a building.  The nearest weather readings recorded an actual temperature of -17 degrees Fahrenheit.  The wind chill was probably in the range of -25F. 

Spring has begun in the Piedmont area.  Dogwoods and Redbud trees were in bloom everywhere.  There were dozens of shades of green from a greenish-white to chartreuse popping out as the leaves began to appear.  I snapped a few pictures as we drove down one of the Virginia By-ways.  Taking the scenic route is well worth the trip.

This trip up my husband fixed that pesky leak under the kitchen sink.  That was our big project for this trip.  We were concerned that we might have to replace the lower cabinet because the leak had done some water damage to the floor of the cabinet.  Fortunately, we were able to repair the area by cutting a piece of plywood for the bottom.  We also have to replace the kitchen counter-top.  Because the cabin is drained and unheated during the winter months the counter-top had warped.  I guess the countertop has lasted a couple of decades at least, so I can't really complain too much about it.  We will get to that once we finish other kitchen

It is still winter in the upper elevations.
We plan to finish the underlayment and floor covering in the kitchen on our next trip. Other than replacing the countertop I think that is the last major project in the kitchen.  I'd really like to replace out cast iron cook stove with a more efficient heating stove that I could also cook on, but I
don't think that is going to happen unless I win
the lottery or something.  Those stoves are pretty expensive.  The stove we have works just fine, but a cook stove has only a very small opening for adding wood and wood cut down to the size for a cook stove is hard to come by.  Last year the usual wood cutter did not cut any cook stove sized wood.  We ended up chopping wood ourselves.  Chopping wood is just one more chore that needs to be done up there.

Now that I have returned home I am busy trying to catch up on all the chores and errands that need my attention.  After that I will be getting back to work on my Anthropomorphic Figure project.  I should have something to post on that soon.  Check back on Sunday for the next blog post.

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